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Case Study: Chronic Fatigue & Low Immunity

Case Study: Chronic Fatigue & Low Immunity

Client Information

Age: 26

Gender: Male

Weight: 72.6 kg

Height: 184 cm


  • Chronic Fatigue
  • Underactive/overactive Thyroid
  • Asthma
  • Hay fever – Pollen and Dust
  • Neck and jaw pain
  • Back Pain
  • Nocturia
  • Mood – irritability
  • Poor gut health
  • Poor immunity

Explaining Their Symptoms

Before coming to us, he had visited many other health practitioners who were perplexed as to why his symptoms were not improving through medication, supplements, herbal supplementation, aromatherapy, and other protocols. By the time he came to our clinic, he had invested a significant amount of money and effort without achieving any real, measurable results. As you can imagine, he had practically lost faith in orthodox medicine and even natural therapies by this point.

So why was nothing working? The reality was that everyone he saw - be they orthodox or holistic practitioners - treated him under the ‘disease model’, and therefore failed to identify the links between his conditions and symptoms. Through ‘health model thinking', we were able to strategically analyze the client's blood pathology, health, and lifestyle history. Our conclusion was that he was suffering from five of the six subclinical defects that underpin all disease; acid stress, anaerobic metabolism, oxidative stress, connective tissue breakdown, and chronic inflammation.


Acid Stress

Acid stress is contextualized as an imbalanced pH - where the body is more acidic than it is alkaline. Acidity is the byproduct of a cell not receiving enough oxygen for energy production. Acid stress sets the stage for infection and underlies 80% of all disease. Acid stress is also the catalyst for anaerobic metabolism and subsequently, oxidative stress.

The client also presented with a low mean cell volume (MCV). A low MCV indicates poor vehicle sizing (Red Blood Cell) that will affect how many seats are available for the transportation of oxygen which is necessary for cellular energy. In the instance of low MCV, the body overcompensates with an increase of Red Blood Cells (vehicles). This process provides the body with borrowed time for a quick burst of energy. Unfortunately, it is a futile endeavor, and as the body cannot keep up with demand, Red Blood Cell integrity and function become compromised. This process ultimately leads to chronic fatigue. This explains why the client’s energy would go up and down throughout the day and as soon as he exercised or exerted himself he would then need to rest for the next 3 days.

So in summary, due to inadequate oxygen transfer needed for the combustion of fat, for mitochondrial fuel, the client struggled to produce energy and the build-up of acid stress had a domino effect - creating another of the six subclinical defects; anaerobic metabolism.

Anaerobic Metabolism

In health, the body derives energy from a mix of aerobic and anaerobic metabolism but favors high-energy aerobic metabolism over low-energy anaerobic metabolism. As the energy pendulum swings towards the anaerobic state (which generally coincides with acidity), fatigue, disease, and infection begin to set in. A near-total switch to anaerobic metabolism accompanied by severe acid stress results in cell death and disease. Acid stress and anaerobic metabolism bring about the ideal environment for infection, chronic inflammation, and fatigue.

It is worth noting that the client was not consuming enough haeme iron in his diet, which resulted in a low iron state and further contributed to anaerobic metabolism. This is commonly seen in those who follow vegan and vegetarian diets. Anaerobic metabolism coupled with acid stress sets the stage for a third of the six subclinical defects; oxidative stress.


Oxidative Stress

Poor oxygen transfer as a result of acid stress and anaerobic metabolism tends to lead to oxidative stress. Oxidative stress occurs where free radicals outnumber antioxidants. Free radicals come from heavy metals, pollution, poor iron status, and microbial infection. An excess amount of free radicals relative to antioxidant capacity leads to uncontrolled oxidation that destroys cell components and destabilizes healthy cell function, laying the groundwork for disease, infection, and disability from aging, and toxicity.

Typically, antioxidants are used to control oxidative stress. It is worth noting though, that antioxidants cannot be utilized efficiently unless iron stores are corrected. This crucial point is either misunderstood or neglected by most health professionals, which prohibits them from getting clients well.

Connective Tissue Breakdown

Connective tissue breakdown occurs when the body is unable to make repairs or build new tissue, and often manifests itself in musculoskeletal conditions such as osteoporosis and arthritis. Failure to use proteins or a deficiency of proteins is often fundamental to this problem, which is characteristic of aging and all chronic diseases. Connective tissue breakdown is symbolic of this client suffering from joint clicking, aching muscles, and sore joints.

The client’s blood chemistry showed elevated creatine kinase - which is an enzyme that is released when connective tissue becomes damaged and breaks down. As the client also had inadequate total protein and white blood cell count, his blood chemistry indicated he was high on the inflammation index. When total body inflammation exceeds the body's ability to obtain protein to build connective tissue, connective tissue breakdown is inevitable.

It is also worth noting the client’s mercury exposure - interpreted by looking at the elevated toxic footprint called ‘Urine Porphyrins’ - had the ability to disrupt/activate matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), which can also cause connective tissue breakdown.

How to Build Connective Tissue

Chronic Inflammation

Inflammation, when acute, is a healthy event; helping the body to repair itself, fight infections, deal with cancer, and handle toxic exposures. Chronic or prolonged inflammation begins to fail its intended purposes, thereby raising the risk of infection, toxicity, and all disease conditions, especially heart disease, arthritis, and cancer.

Inadequate protein intake and improper protein absorption lead to connective tissue breakdown, which is symbolic of improper healing. When the body is unable to heal and make repairs, it leads to a state of chronic inflammation (often contextualized in the body as pain).

As a result of fatigue, the client's sleeping patterns were disrupted, which affected his cortisol cycles. When combined with stress and anxiety, cortisol can hinder healing and contribute to connective tissue breakdown - ultimately leading to chronic inflammation.


As always, our strategy was to balance the client's body chemistry by bringing key biomarkers into optimum ranges. Where the client's biomarkers are within these ranges, it is likely the subclinical defects they are suffering will subside, and their health will dramatically improve as a result. This approach is very different to the one taken by other health practitioners. The primary difference is that it doesn’t focus on the symptoms (as other practitioners had done previously with this client), but rather focuses on the underlying causes of poor health. Our approach is to correct the cause of poor health, not simply treat the symptoms.

While it may sound simple in theory, moving biomarkers to balance blood chemistry can be incredibly difficult, as you cannot look at markers in isolation - but must analyze each marker with respect to other markers. What can cause one marker to correct can also cause another marker to move in the wrong direction. Thus, it is a balancing act.

In order to move key biomarkers, our general objectives were to:

  • Improve iron status
  • Improve protein status
  • Control carbohydrates
  • Control sugars/glucose
  • Develop a healthy sleep pattern
  • Improve body composition (more muscle)


The client's diet plan was designed to raise his iron and protein status whilst controlling carbohydrates to lower glucose levels. An uptake in dietary haem iron, twice per day, was intended to raise iron and protein - thus strengthening red blood cells, reducing chronic inflammation and aiding in the building of connective tissue. The client was advised to avoid gluten, sugar, coffee, alcohol, fruits and seafood initially until chemistries were balanced.

The client's diet was high in fat and low in carbohydrates - especially those derived from wheat, grains, nuts and fruits. This is because fat is critical in escorting toxins through the bowel, whereas carbohydrates are ultimately converted to glucose (sugar) and do little towards balancing chemistry.

We used body chemistry and anthropometrics to calculate the exact macronutrient needs for this client; his optimal calorie intake, his protein efficiency rate and his utilisable protein amount. These calculations were used to create a diet that met the exact needs of the client. A typical daily diet is outlined below.


Keep in mind, every individual is biochemically unique - we all have different body measurements, goals, motivations, digestive function and toxic loads. The food plan, meal timing, quantity and types of food will vary based on body chemistry requirements for a completely tailored approach.


The prescribed supplements were based on the client's unique needs and were designed to bring key biomarkers into balance and to provide increased energy to combat chronic fatigue. We prescribed the client the following supplements.

Bio Vitamin C

Our Bio Vitamin C is especially important in this case as it is designed to provide energy and bolster the immune system. When taken in the form of our energy drink - which is made with water, lemon juice, lime juice and apple cider vinegar - it supports a host of bodily functions, provides antiviral support and helps to decrease acidity (balancing the body's pH and relieving acid stress).


Vitamin C also supports the production of collagen, as does lysine (also found in our Bio Vitamin C powder), which helps to build connective tissue and alleviate the connective tissue breakdown the client was experiencing. Vitamin C, lysine, proline and glycine are also powerful antioxidants and aid the body in ridding itself of harmful free radicals. This helps to reduce chronic inflammation and also aids in detoxification.



The client presented with poor gut health, and part of his nutritional plan was to consume more protein. Because of this, we prescribed him Bio-Zyme. Bio-Zyme is a digestive support formula made from plant-based enzymes, bromelain, papain, gentian, ginger, cinnamon and globe artichoke. It aids the body in producing protease enzymes which help in breaking down protein into amino acids. This stimulates digestion and improves bowel function, but most importantly, it reduces inflammation and acid stress and allows the body to better use proteins which help to build connective tissue.


Formula 1

Containing chromium, manganese, magnesium, potassium, and zinc, Formula 1 is a multi-mineral supplement that aids cellular processing and signaling which supports the immune system. Detoxification can only occur where the body has a 'pathway' through which it can escort toxins, and Formula 1 also helps to activate these detox pathways. Controlling blood glucose (sugar) was also important in this instance, and the chromium found in Formula 1 helps to regulate blood glucose levels in the body. Cellular fatigue is a major catalyst for acid stress, and as Formula 1 aids in cell signaling and processing, it also helps to alleviate acid stress.


Formula 2

Made from B vitamins, iodine, zinc, manganese, copper, and selenium, Formula 2 is a multi-mineral supplement that supports the integrity of cells and aids detoxification. Manganese supports the growth and maintenance of connective tissue and cartilage, as well as protecting the body from the damaging effects of free radicals. Copper is necessary for the production of red blood cells, connective tissue formation and also supports the immune system. Vitamin B1 is needed for the production of energy, which is especially important in this case.


Formula 3

The mitochondria is essentially the 'engine' of the cell - the part that produces its energy. Without adequate energy, cellular function is compromised, which hinders the detoxification process. One of the best ways to fuel the mitochondria is with iron. Containing copper, folic acid, vitamin b12, vitamin B5, and iron, Formula 3 has been specifically designed to strengthen the blood and provide the correct platform for detoxification. By supporting the formation of haemoglobin, Formula 3 aids in transporting oxygen throughout the body - thus reducing acid stress.


Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 assists with hormone modulation and the synthesis of several neurotransmitters including serotonin, GABA, and dopamine, all of which elevate mood. It also helps with fluid retention - thus alleviating nocturia and the frequent need to urinate during the night, which was disrupting the client's sleep patterns.


When the client first came to us, he was always tired. He struggled to get out of bed in the morning and was constantly exhausted in the evening. If he did not get between 9 and 10 hours of sleep per night, he was even more fatigued than usual. To make matters worse, he was suffering from nocturia - having to urinate frequently throughout the night, which was disturbing his sleep. Similarly, he reported that doing any exercise fatigued him, and his body would suffer for a week after.

The client reported he was going to bed at about 11:30 pm and waking at 9 am. We suggested he go to bed at 10 pm and would wake between 6:30 am and 7 am. The body secretes different hormones at different times of the day. From about 6 pm onwards, the body naturally releases high amounts of growth hormone which aids the body in healing and repair while you sleep. The majority of growth hormone is released during sleep according to circadian rhythms. Thus, it is best to adhere to the body’s natural circadian rhythms and get to bed earlier rather than later. Improving the client’s sleep pattern encouraged healing, assisted connective tissue building and assisted in energy production.

Additionally, we suggested that he adhere to regular meal timings. Previously, the client was eating at sporadic intervals - often skipping breakfast - which was leaving his body deprived of nutrients and energy. In this sense, the body is like a car - if you don’t put fuel in the car, it won’t work. By maintaining regular meal timings, the client’s body was never depleted of nutrients or fuel. As a result, he had more energy, better bowel movements and was better able to build connective tissue.


Finally, we suggested that the client - after some time - undertake more physical exercise with the aim of improving his body composition. At 184cm and 72.6kg, he had low muscle mass. As mentioned earlier, the mitochondria is essentially the 'engine' of the cell - the part that produces its energy. Without adequate energy, cellular function is compromised, which leads to a host of health problems. Building muscle is important as there are more mitochondria found in the muscle than in other tissue. By building the client’s muscle mass, he was able to create more energy. This helped in alleviating chronic fatigue.


The success of our health programs is largely contingent upon client compliance. If the client follows our nutritional, supplement and lifestyle plans, they are typically able to balance their chemistries and bring their biomarkers within optimal ranges. This was true of this client, and he was able to achieve the following results through measuring and in return provide long term motivation:

  • The balancing of body chemistry was reflected in symptoms subsiding and improved wellbeing. The client reported the following upon completion of his program:
    • Energy Improved by 80% - no longer chronically fatigued and could now work out in the gym without experiencing lower back pain
    • No longer suffering nocturia
    • Sleeps only 7-8hrs well throughout the evening and is well-rested in the morning
    • He improved his body composition - decreasing fat % and increasing muscle %
    • Neck and jaw pain subsided
    • His mood has improved considerably
    • Thyroid markers improved
    • Asthma and hay fever symptoms were controllable
    • Poor gut health improved
    • Now longer gets a cold and flu every winter

The diets and habits developed throughout Nutrition Diagnostics programs are designed not only to be adhered to throughout the program but to serve as a lifelong guide for living - making health sustainable and enjoyable.



This case study is for educational purposes only of studying patterns between health and disease. These case studies are real clients presenting with real challenges. Results are dependent on the client following advice. This case study does not provide medical treatment and is not designed to treat or diagnose any specific illness and should not be used for this purpose. It also does not interfere with or replace standard medical treatment and it is assumed that a full medical evaluation has been undertaken.

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