We thank you for taking the time to visit this web site.
The information on this site is based on material and research concerning whole body health and as well as specifically dental issues available world-wide from a number of sources, and is necessarily of a general nature.
It is not intended as a substitute for a medical practitioner’s advice, and should not be used for that. Nutrition Diagnostics actively discourages any self-diagnosis or self-medication. You should consult your medical practitioner regarding the applicability of any opinions or recommendations with respect to any symptoms or medical condition. Nutrition Diagnostics will not be liable for any errors or omissions that may occur on this website, or for use of any information obtained from this website other than in conjunction with and in accordance with advice and a treatment program provided by Nutrition Diagnostics.
This website includes information which is designed to inform patients about alternatives to traditional medical and dental procedures, products and materials. The opinions presented may be considered controversial and some may be disputed by other health care and dental practitioners. The information on this web site is intended as a guide only to inform you of what we feel are important concerns, and how our practice handles them in appropriate cases. The opinions are intended to be used in conjunction with specific medical advice and under guidance of an appropriate health practitioner. Please see our section under 'Services' for the services we offer. The services described will not all be suitable in all cases. The treatment and program recommended will depend upon the particular requirements of the patient or client. We have included many links to other Internet sites that we feel you may find useful in providing you with extra information on certain topics. These links are not endorsements of any products or services in such sites, and no information in such site has been endorsed or approved by this site.
Nutrition Diagnostics believes it is no longer acceptable for dentists to ignore the oral-systemic health relationship, or to simply give lip service to nutrition and dietary advice. Dentists should either give advice in relation to systemic health matters to prevent oral health issues or the reverse, or refer the patient to someone who is aware of this uniquely intertwined relationship.
Nutrition Diagnostics is not in a position to make a medical diagnosis, place a label on the diagnosis, and then treat that label. The medical doctor is the expert in crisis care and disease treatment and management. All Nutrition Diagnostics and Eric Davis Dental patients are screened and it is confirmed that a full medical evaluation and advice has been completed. Patients are generally in consultation with a medical practitioner and, in the absence of this, they are directed to seek advice from their physician as deemed necessary.
It is not the practice of the Nutrition Diagnostics staff to use the term “diagnose”. Rather, they use terms such as “consistent with”, “at risk of” or “associated with”. In adopting this practice, Nutrition Diagnostics conducts its service delivery in a way no different to many other services providers in the health industry, including for example dieticians, physiotherapists, acupuncturists, naturopaths, psychologists, counselors, etc. Nutrition Diagnostics is not in a position to “diagnose systemic medical conditions” and do not hold themselves out as providing such a service. This is clearly outlined in the consent forms and literature provided to patients and clients. Patients are always advised to seek medical advice and are not referred to Nutrition Diagnostics on any understanding that a diagnosis will be given.
Important explanation about the connection between dentistry and nutrition and natural medicine:
Dr Davis (Dentist) and Eric Davis Dental and Nutrition Diagnostics
Dr Eric Davis is a qualified and experienced dental practitioner, practicing as Eric Davis Dental. He is also a qualified and experienced natural medicine practitioner, having completed post graduate studies in Clinical Nutrition and Medical Acupuncture, Neural Therapy, Homotoxicology and Electroacupuncture according to Voll, and Naturopathy. Dr Davis is not a medical practitioner. In his capacity as a natural medicine practitioner, Dr Davis is clinical director of Nutrition Diagnostics Pty Ltd, which is a company associated by ownership and management with Dr Davis and his family.
The dental modality is specifically regulated under state laws (Dental Practitioners Regulation Act 2001, and the Australian Health Practitioners National Law), and by Dr Davis’ membership of the Australian Dental Association. Those seeking Dr Davis’ professional services as a dentist consult him as such. As a dentist, Dr Davis can only provide advice and treatment for issues related to the oral cavity. Nutrition Diagnostics – nutrition and natural medicine advice and treatment programs Patients seeking nutrition and natural medicine advice and treatment may consult or be referred to Nutrition Diagnostics. The natural medicine discipline is not regulated by statute (except to the extent of Chinese medicine). Dr Davis’ activities as clinical director of Nutrition Diagnostics are regulated by his membership of the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology, International Academy of Biological Dentistry & Medicine, the Australian Naturopathic Practitioners Association, and the Australian Medical Acupuncture Society, and the Australian College of Nutrition and Environmental Medicine.
Given the different modalities of the dentistry profession, and the natural medicine and nutrition practice, patients are advised that the advice and treatment programs provided by Nutrition Diagnostics are not provided by Dr Davis as dental practitioner or by Eric Davis Dental, and patients are requested to acknowledge this in the practice consent paperwork.
Before electing to undertake such a mutual programme as you may, patients and clients are fully informed and are made aware of any relationships and pecuniary interests existing between Nutrition Diagnostics and Eric Davis Dental.
As an advocate of natural medicine and nutritional health, Dr Davis’ philosophy is to recognise the connection between the health of the oral cavity and treatment of such, and the health of the body generally, and vice versa. Consistent with this understanding and conviction, many of the principles and opinions set out on the website for Eric Davis Dental draw upon the conclusions and philosophy of the nutrition and natural health disciplines, and describe treatment programs which are implemented by the nutrition and natural health disciplines. However, despite the connections between the dental practice and Nutrition Diagnostics, patients and future patients should understand that Eric Davis Dental must and does limit its advices and treatments to the dental advices and procedures, and that nutrition advice and treatment programs are offered and managed by Nutrition Diagnostics, and not by the dental practice.