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The Same Six Things Cause Every Disease - The Six Subclinical Defects

The Same Six Things Cause Every Disease - The Six Subclinical Defects

The way in which modern medicine has taught us to think about disease is fundamentally wrong. Modern medicine suggests that symptoms are the expression of disease but fails to consider that disease is the expression of fundamental health defects.

Disease is a Symptom of Underlying Health Problems

In other words, modern medicine recognises that disease states cause symptoms but often stops there - failing to consider what causes the disease state to begin with. When looking through this prism, it becomes apparent that disease itself is a symptom - it is symptomatic of underlying poor health conditions. These conditions are what we call the 'six subclinical defects'.

All Diseases are Caused by Six Subclinical Defects

These six subclinical defects are responsible for driving all chronic diseases. In fact, chronic disease can only occur in the presence of one or more of the six subclinical defects. These subclinical defects act as a precursor for disease and ultimately lay the foundation for disease and subsequent symptoms.

Modern medicine defines a subclinical defect as "a disease which is not severe enough to present definite or readily observable symptoms."We, however, disagree with this definition. There are readily observable symptoms that indicate the presence of subclinical defects, and they are also evident in blood chemistry analysis.

What are the Six Subclinical Defects?

These six subclinical defects are:

  • Free Calcium Excess
  • Chronic Inflammation
  • Acid Stress
  • Anaerobic Metabolism
  • Oxidative Stress
  • Connective Tissue Breakdown

The best way to understand the six subclinical defects is to first understand what constitutes optimum human health. We define optimum health as the perfect balance of body chemistry. The body’s chemistry can be considered balanced when the following is true:

  • Free calcium balance (where the body has control over the ratio between bound and unbound calcium)
  • No chronic inflammation (where the body has control over necessary acute inflammation and is able to heal as required)
  • pH balance (where the body has control over the balance between alkaline and acidic)
  • Sufficient oxygen supply to the cells (where the body is able to transport oxygen and produce energy)
  • Antioxidant balance (where antioxidants are sufficient and can control free radicals/damaging molecules)
  • A constant ability to repair and build new tissues (where the body can heal)

These six things are the pillars of health. Each of them is fundamentally important in enabling the body to function properly. Where the above is true, it indicates the body is functioning properly, and someone is in good health. If the above is untrue, it indicates the body is not functioning properly, and someone is in poor health.

The Six Subclinical Defects Explained

Free Calcium Balance (Health)

In optimal health, 55% of serum calcium (in a blood sample) is bound to protein (albumin) or alkaline buffers (phosphates). The remaining 45% is left unbound in a free (ionised) state for muscles to contract. When calcium is bound to protein or alkaline buffers, it is pushed into bones and teeth, which is ideal for health.

Free Calcium Excess (Defect)

When the amount of free (ionised) calcium increases beyond 45%, the blood contains excess calcium. This excess calcium is deposited into joints, organs and arteries (instead of bones and teeth). When calcium is deposited into joints and arteries, it causes a host of health problems and is often represented as gallstones, kidney stones, bone spurs, plaque formation on teeth and plaque in the arteries.

Acute Inflammation (Health)

There are two types of inflammation; acute and chronic. Acute inflammation is a process that occurs as a response to injury or infection. The purpose of acute inflammation is to rid the body of harmful bacteria or damaged cells to protect itself and initiate the healing process. Importantly, acute inflammation is a temporary response (and is not long-lasting).

Chronic Inflammation (Defect)

Chronic inflammation is a prolonged state of inflammation where the body's immune system remains activated even in the absence of ongoing injury or infection to fight off. The continuous presence of inflammatory chemicals and immune cells leads to a harmful cycle in which the immune system attacks healthy cells and tissues - perpetuating further inflammation and catalysing various health problems.

Acid/Alkaline Balance (Health)

The body functions best when there is balance between alkalinity and acidity. The acid/alkaline balance is measured in pH, where a high pH indicates alkalinity and a low pH indicates acidity. The body favours alkalinity over acidity.

Acid Stress (Defect)

When pH levels drop, the body becomes more acidic than alkaline. This imbalance between acidity and alkalinity is known as acid stress, and causes disruption to normal bodily processes and leads to various health problems. Acid stress is linked to 80% of all diseases.

Aerobic Metabolism (Health)

There are two types of metabolism; aerobic and anaerobic. Aerobic metabolism relies on oxygen to break down nutrients - producing more energy in the form of ATP (the body's preferred energy source). It also helps to remove waste products, leading to better overall cell health and metabolic function. This is why it is the body's favoured metabolism. Adequate albumin, phosphate, haemoglobin, red blood cells and ferritin levels are key to maintaining aerobic metabolism.

Anaerobic Metabolism (Defect)

The body will switch to an anaerobic metabolism when there is insufficient oxygen available for aerobic metabolism. It produces energy quickly but less efficiently - breaking down nutrients without using oxygen and generating lactic acid as a byproduct. When the body continually tends towards an anaerobic metabolism in everyday life, it depletes energy and damages cell health - ultimately leading to various health problems. An anaerobic metabolism nurtures all cancer, bacteria, fungi, parasites and viruses.

Antioxidant Balance (Health)

In optimal health, the body will have sufficient antioxidant capacity. The role of antioxidants is to combat 'reactive oxygen species' (also known as 'free radicals'). Antioxidants do this by donating an electron to the free radicals, which prevents them from damaging other cells.

Oxidative Stress (Defect)

When the body does not have sufficient antioxidant capacity, and the number of free radicals outweighs the number of antioxidants, the body cannot neutralise free radicals. This leads to uncontrolled oxidation that destroys cell components and destabilises healthy cell function, laying the groundwork for disease, infection, toxicity and disability from ageing.

Connective Tissue Synthesis (Health)

Connective tissues are found throughout the body and support the organs, connect different body parts and aid in healing. In optimal health, the body can produce new connective tissue and repair/regenerate damaged connective tissue. This process is known as connective tissue synthesis.

Connective Tissue Breakdown (Defect)

Connective tissue breakdown occurs when the body cannot repair or build new tissue and often manifests in musculoskeletal conditions such as osteoporosis and arthritis.

What Causes the Six Subclinical Defects?

Subclinical defects are caused by imbalances in body chemistry. Imbalances in body chemistry are caused by poor nutrition and lifestyle choices - some of which are as follows:

  • Lack of nutrient-rich foods in the diet leading to nutritional deficiencies
  • Improperly formulated diet (specifically one low in iron and protein)
  • Toxin exposure (mercury amalgam fillings, for example)
  • Lack of physical exercise/activity
  • Lack of sleep
  • High alcohol consumption
  • High sugar consumption
  • High stress

What Conditions and Symptoms are Associated With Each of the Subclinical Defects?

Free Calcium Excess

Leads to:

  • Calculus on the teeth and/or implants/dentures
  • Calcium deposits on joints, blood vessels
  • pH imbalances
  • Chronic inflammation

Predisposes to:

  • Arthritis
  • Pseudo-gout
  • Cancer
  • Complicated arterial lesions
  • High blood pressure
  • Angina
  • Diseased heart valves

Relative Free Calcium Deficit

Always associated with a deficiency of total serum calcium and poor protein markers.

Leads to:

  • Osteoporosis
  • Congestive heart failure
  • Sudden death
  • Periodontal bone resorption

Predisposes to:

  • Muscle tetany
  • Mental changes
  • Seizures
  • Cataracts
  • Abnormal
  • Dental decalcification

Chronic Inflammation

Seen in the mouth as:

  • Periodontitis
  • Tissue destruction
  • Red, inflamed gums

Seen elsewhere as:

  • Fibromyalgia
  • Connective tissue breakdown
  • Bone resorption

Predisposes to:

  • Arterial disease
  • Food sensitivities
  • Chemical sensitivities
  • Coronary thrombosis
  • Autoimmune disease
  • Failure to repair
  • All degenerative processes

Acid Stress

Leads to:

  • Bone resorption
  • Tooth decay
  • Yeast infections
  • Bacterial and viral infections
  • Fatigue

Predisposes to:

  • Increased cancer risk
  • Arterial disease
  • Increased risk of toxicity
  • All degenerative processes
  • Increased production of free radicals
  • Decreased antioxidant action of vitamins, minerals, and proteins
  • Depletion of bone calcium by release of phosphate (PO4) alkaline buffer
  • Deposition of free calcium in inflamed tissues
  • Causes a negative calcium balance resulting in hypercalciuria
  • Promotes the other sub-clinical defects seen in chronic disease
  • Encourages overgrowth of pathogenic bacteria
  • Promotes dental caries, plaque, and calculus

Anaerobic Tendancy

Seen in the mouth as:

  • Gingivitis
  • Periodontitis
  • Pale oral mucosa
  • Tooth decay
  • Yeast infections
  • Persistent oral infections

Predisposes to:

  • Anaemia or result of
  • Increased cancer risk
  • Arterial disease
  • Intermittent racing heart
  • Diabetes
  • Fatigue
  • All degenerative processes

How pH Imbalance and Anaerobic Metabolism Connect with the Origin of Disease

  • Acid stress and anaerobic metabolism bring about the ideal environment for infection and infestation
  • Infections bring about chronic inflammation
  • Chronic inflammation is always a part of disease processes such as periodontal disease and arthritis, and all disease

Oxidative Stress

Major Sources of Free Radicals

  • Toxic waste products found in colon
  • Chronic inflammation
  • Excess of free iron
  • Exposure to heavy metals
  • U.V. light
  • Air pollution
  • Chemicals, pesticides, fungicides, herbicides, petrochemicals, solvents, pharmaceuticals, etc.

Seen in the mouth as:

  • Fissuring of the lips
  • Dry skin
  • Cheilosis
  • Glossitis

Seen elsewhere as:

  • Premature aging
  • Age spots

Predisposes to:

  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Type II diabetes
  • All degenerative processes

Clinical Markers of Oxidative Stress

  • Periodontal disease
  • Physical signs of aging
  • Presence of any degenerative disease
  • Signs of chronic inflammation
  • Chronic fatigue

Related Clinical Observations Seen in the Medical Environment:

  • Signs of chronic inflammation
  • Metal fog
  • Poor concentration
  • Numbness
  • Phantom pains
  • Existence of anemia (“anemia of chronic disease”)
  • Tendency toward anaerobic metabolism
  • Signs of premature aging
  • Tendency toward chronic infection or reinfection
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Multiple health complaints

Connective Tissue Breakdown

Seen in the mouth as:

  • Bleeding gums
  • Tooth mobility
  • Periodontal disease

Seen elsewhere as:

  • Chronic tendonitis
  • Degenerative disc disease
  • Muscle wasting

Predisposes to:

  • Varicose veins
  • Weak back/spine
  • Hernia (rupture), aneurysm
  • Autoimmune disease
  • Cancer
  • Heart disease

These Subclinical Defects are Detectable in Blood Chemistry Analysis

Thus, all six subclinical defects are detectable and measurable via blood chemistry analysis. This is an important observation as it means that the precursors for disease are detectable via a blood test. In other words, disease is more preventable when following this approach.

This is why we look at health through the lens of the six subclinical defects and blood chemistry - as it gives us the best chance of helping our clients achieve their health goals.

Click here to learn more about blood chemistry analysis and our tailored health programs.

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