Bio Zyme

Who Should Take Bio Zyme?

Anyone who suffers from digestive issues, irregular bowel movements, chronic inflammation or acid stress may experience some benefit from taking Bio-Zyme.

How Should You Consume Bio Zyme?

Orally, with water in between meals or before eating is the best way to take Bio-Zyme. It is important to note that both bromelain and papain seem to have greater therapeutic impact when administered orally (as opposed to intravenously).

What Is The Suggested Daily Dosage Of Bio Zyme?

Adults should take 1 - 2 tablets three times daily, or advised by your healthcare professional. It is best taken between meals or prior to eating.

Can You Take Other Nutrition Diagnostics Supplements While Taking Bio Zyme?

Yes, all Nutrition Diagnostics supplements are designed to be taken in tandem with one another. Unlike other generic supplements, whose vitamins and supplements may compete with one another - the effects of one counteracting the other - and create imbalances in body chemistry, Nutrition Diagnostics multivitamins and supplements are synergistic.